Autumn2024 - LSCC 2024

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Area 5 FB
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Class Records

Track Records

Week 4
1/24th Production Saloon
Week 3
1/32nd Sports/GT
Week 2
1/32nd Group 12 Saloon
Week 1
1/32nd Formula 2
4 Racing Classes on a weekly rotation
Autumn 2024

Club Cars
We had a reasonable turnout of 5 tonight, but with only 4 racing again as Chris chose not to race and do Race Control and single marshal. This seems to work reasonably well and, at least, allows some decent racing with all 4 lanes in use.
Nick and Woody were both on good form and finished in that order with just a lap and 1/2 between. It was even closer between Geoff and Kev, they came in 3rd and 4th but with only 6 feet between them ...!!
On handicap it was a win for Nick from Woody, Geoff and Kev.

RC data.

... ... ... Handicaps applied ...

In Sports we didn't bother with qualy, just used random lane order. Woody was the only one running a Super Wasp so was expected to win quite easily. It didn't turn out that way, he was cruising along well in the lead until half way through segment 3 when his pinion came off and put paid to his race. That left Nick well ahead and going well, winning with a new PB of 184.37. He was some 15 or so laps ahead of Kev with Geoff a further 5 laps back.

RC data. ...

Club Cars
We had a reasonable turnout of 6 tonight, but with only 4 racing. Nick brought along his next door neighbour, Darren, who had a good practice session early doors but decided he wasn't ready to race, and Chris didn't race but did marshal. This left Corky, Nick, Geoff and Kev. We decided to run a 4 man Segmented Club Cars followed by another 4 man segmented for F2 cars, giving us 2 marshals.
Unfrtunately Kev made a bit of a 'horlicks', picking up the wrong Race Coordinator database so I'm afraid there is no RC data for tonight, apologies !

First up was Club Cars and this proved a win for Nick, fresh from his summer break, but was pushed all the way by an on-form Geoff. Nick ran out winner by just 3 laps and a 'rusty' Kev ran in third, 8 laps back. Corky was having controller problems and actually tried 4 controllers before we figured out that, being left handed, he was sparodically pulling the wiper blade off the board.
On handicap it was a win for Geoff from Nick, Kev and Corky.
... ... ... Handicaps applied ...

Formula 2
Sadly, with me cocking up the RC data I don't have accurate racing details.

I know that it was a fairly comfortable win for Kev and - i think - Corky then Nick and Geoff ??
Many thanks to Darren for staying on to Marshal.

Data now retrieved.....
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